#KNOWledgeIsPower – Just For Writers! – 6/12/18

I’ve gotten several emails these last few months regarding if I could do a post for people who write, so this post is just for the writers among our supporters, or anyone who has had any curiosity about the art of storytelling.  For me, there’s nothing more telling (no pun intended) than people who can reach into their vast imaginations and craft a story so riveting and so captivating that people will rush to bookstores to buy their books, or better yet, be among those lucky enough to have Hollywood make a movie about it.

I dug around on some hard drives I have in storage, and voila! A handful of PDFs for those who write! ENJOY!

NOTE: As always, my disclaimer is as follows: “In The KNOW” is not affiliated in any way with any of the authors promoted on this site.

Write Now and Get Published

New York Times Essay Collection – Writers on Writing

Life Skills – How To Easily Make Your Book An Amazon Best Seller

Robert Louis Stevenson – The Art of Writing