#KNOWledgeIsPower – ELECTION WEEK – 11/2/18

As you know, this Tuesday, November 6th, is Election Day! The 2018 Midterm Election is arguably and easily THE SINGLEMOST IMPORTANT ELECTION of this generation! Too much is at stake to simply sit by and say, “well………..my vote won’t count”. NONSENSE!


We are literally witnessing voter suppression in multiple states, such as Kansas and Georgia, where the Secretaries of State in both states are also candidates for Governor! That means, the two men running for Governor…………..also get to decide which votes get counted! Tens of Thousands of people have already been unlawfully excluded from voting; If that isn’t fraudulent, I’ll never know what is!

Now is NOT the time to be complacent. If you don’t vote, you don’t get to bitch and gripe about how bad things are, and how you wish change would come on ‘YOUR’ terms. MAKE the change you want to see! YOUR VOICE COUNTS!

And to prove it, this week’s short FREE PDF is a motivational read on just how valuable your vote is, a detailed explanation about voter fraud and how people use this red herring to unlawfully EXCLUDE and PURGE innocent citizens from the voting rolls! So if you think your vote doesn’t count, WHY WOULD PEOPLE SPEND SO MUCH TIME AND RESOURCES TRYING TO STEAL IT FROM YOU???

AND, as a special bonus, a BONUS VIDEO below!

I don’t care WHO you vote for, just vote!

BE INSPIRED by this week’s FREE read!!


Politics of Voter Fraud – Final (pdf)

NOTE: As always, my disclaimer is as follows: “In The KNOW” is not affiliated in any way with any of the authors/videos promoted on this site.

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